
找到我給你拍拍手!擬態大師樹皮螳 Theopompa ophthalmica

  • 作者:李興漢
第5屆科學攝影展 - 佳作

嘿!看到了嗎?我的祖先們從白堊紀開始,經歷了漫長的演化,至今讓我有一身絕妙膚色。你們叫我樹皮螳,我很喜歡,但我覺得比較像地衣啦!法國昆蟲學家Guillaume-Antoine Olivier老伯伯看上我水汪汪的大眼睛,取了一個享譽國際的名字「眼仔」,害我都好想去怪獸電力公司應徵哩!我喜歡趴在樹幹上沈思,等著美食外送服務,有時也會起身練練螳螂拳,舒展一下筋骨。總之,我超愛住在樹上的,你可別熱心地帶我去你家玩喔!


Hi! Can you see me? My ancestors appeared during the Cretaceous period. After a long period of evolution, we now have ingenious coloring. Some people call me “tree bark praying mantis”. I like that name, but I think my appearance looks more like lichen. French entomologist Guillaume-Antoine Olivier was attracted by my large, bright eyes and added “ophthalmica” to my scientific name. For this reason, I feel quite competent to apply for a job at Monsters, Inc. I like to rest on tree trunks, where I can ambush my prey. Sometimes, I practice mantis boxing to maintain my physique. I love to live in trees, so please do not take me home.

李興漢-找到我給你拍拍手!擬態大師樹皮螳 Theopompa ophthalmica 1
李興漢-找到我給你拍拍手!擬態大師樹皮螳 Theopompa ophthalmica 1
李興漢-找到我給你拍拍手!擬態大師樹皮螳 Theopompa ophthalmica 2
李興漢-找到我給你拍拍手!擬態大師樹皮螳 Theopompa ophthalmica 2
李興漢-找到我給你拍拍手!擬態大師樹皮螳 Theopompa ophthalmica 3
李興漢-找到我給你拍拍手!擬態大師樹皮螳 Theopompa ophthalmica 3
2024/04/18 更新